2018邁阿密設計巴賽爾展短片紀錄/A New Layer Taiwan shines at Design Miami/Basel Exhibition

2018邁阿密設計巴賽爾展短片紀錄/A New Layer Taiwan shines at Design Miami/Basel Exhibition

  • 國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心影音平臺
  • 國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心首次進軍瑞士邁阿密設計巴賽爾展(Design Miami/Basel,簡稱DM/B),展期自2018年6月11日至2018年6月17日止,以「新層次2計畫(A NEW LAYER 2)」參展,展出7位國際設計師與臺灣工藝師共同創研的作品,開拓國際設計視野,將臺灣工藝作品進軍國際外,本展覽更受到國際設計聖經Wallpaper雜誌強烈推薦,列為瑞士邁阿密設計巴賽爾展必看的八大展位之一!在頂級國際設計殿堂中得到肯定,更彰顯亞洲與臺灣工藝的軟實力! 由國際設計師Julie Richoz截取臺灣廟宇燈龍意象設計展場,在小巧的展場空間裡,展出無限多元與變化的成果。展覽期間,參展國際設計師Boaz Cohen(Bcxsy)、Jin Kuramoto、Julie Richoz親自出席,駐瑞士代表處谷代表瑞生、巴文中心連主任俐俐亦前往場展致意,本中心擠身國際殿堂,展現臺灣工藝進軍頂級藝術市場之企圖心及行動力! 為了推動臺灣傳統與創新的結合,並且深化「臺灣新層次」的創作精神及工藝價值,特地完整剪輯收錄展場的實況,讓更多人認識臺灣工藝文化! A New Layer Taiwan aims to foster new partnerships between international designers and Taiwanese craftsmen. From 2012-2016, A New Layer I was led by the Swedish designer Matti Klenell with TAF Architects, Stina Löfgren and Carina Seth Andersson. In 2017-18, the project has moved into its second phase of research and development A New Layer II: Crafting Identities/ Design Stories from Taiwan. In order to transform traditional Taiwanese craftsmanship products into contemporary design objects and furniture, the NTCRI invited Belgium-based curator Lise Coirier as Art Director and 7 internationally based designers from France, Germany, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Sweden, and Switzerland to Taiwan to work with some of the most talented local craftspeople on the island : Anton Alvarez (SE) Bcxsy - Boaz Cohen & Sayaka Yamamoto (NL-IS-JP), Sebastian Herkner (D), Jin Kuramoto (JP), Wonmin Park (KO) and Julie Richoz (FR-CH). The result of these 7 projects with local Taiwanese craftsmen will be exhibited for the first time as part of A New Layer Taiwan at Design Curio on Design Miami/Basel from 12 until 17 June 2018.
國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心影音平臺 上傳