「頂真傳義」2019 國家工藝成就獎得獎者葉經義先生

「頂真傳義」2019 國家工藝成就獎得獎者葉經義先生

  • 國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心影音平臺
  • 本紀錄片旨在紀錄「2019年國家工藝成就獎」得獎者-葉經義先生的木雕創作人生。片中描述葉老師之生平、學習經歷、創作歷程及對於工藝的具體成就等等,讓社會大眾對於葉老師有更多的認識。 葉經義老師在15歲時,於高雄文武聖殿拜泉州蘇水欽為師,自幼聰慧好學,從鑿花師傅到人間國寶,有艱困也有光彩,有付出也有掌聲。葉老師的成就,不單只是展演傳統工藝的絢爛奪目,更堅持工藝最根本的頂真精神,近七十年的木雕人生,一路行來始終不變。 This documentary film aims to record the woodcarving life of Mr. Yeh, Ching-Yi, the winner of 2019 National Crafts Achievement Award. In the film, Mr. Yeh’s life stories, educational background, creative experiences and achievements of craft are richly included, which provide a good access for the public to know his artistic woodcarving works. When Mr. Yeh, Ching-Yi was 15 years old, He became an apprentice of Su, Shui-Qin of Wen-Wu Temple in Kaohsiung. Mr. Yeh is very talented as well as being a quick learner since he was a child. From a scabbling master to a national treasure, there have been difficulties and glories, and there also have been giving and applauses. What Mr. Yeh, Ching-Yi has achieved is not only about the glamour manifesting our traditional craft, but also the insistence on the fundamental earnest spirit for the art and craft. For devoting almost 70 years of his life to woodcarving, he always sticks to his ground and never changes.
國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心影音平臺 上傳