莊嚴先生與故宮   張臨生演講

莊嚴先生與故宮 張臨生演講

  • 國立國父紀念館影音頻道
國立國父紀念館影音頻道 上傳


  • 國立國父紀念館影音頻道
國立國父紀念館影音頻道 上傳
天造.地設:歲時中的工藝 From Nature To Function – Exhibition of Folk Crafts And Four Seasons

天造.地設:歲時中的工藝 From Nature To Function – Exhibition of Folk Crafts And Four Seasons

  • 國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心影音平臺
  • 工藝是人與自然韻律互動所產生的心血結晶,人依循季候變化,取材於自然,用之於生活,這是所有工藝材料生命的必然。人類一年中的生活深刻地受到材料的生命週期影響,材料的生長、採收、製作與使用,無不與此有關。本次展覽以「順天時」、「接地氣」、「新島人的歲時」三個單元,勾勒在週而復始的歲時中,工藝的樣貌與形態。 Crafts are objects created by the rhythmic interaction between nature and people. In the past, people often put too much emphasis on the process of how craft works are made and what they are made from but they neglected the life cycle of the materials themselves and their natural environments. In facts, people’s social lives are heavily affected by the life cycle of materials; people need to live their lives in accordance with the natural environment and make good use of the resources provided by nature to make their lives better. “Following Heavenly Laws”, “Down to Earth” and “The Seasonal Crafts for the People in Taiwan” are the three main topics of this exhibition to portray the roles that crafts have played in traditional festivals. Affected by nature and inspired by earth, these participating craft workers have also created many works based upon seasons and festivals.
國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心影音平臺 上傳