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團慶系列六-定期音樂會【聲 情 交響四】復活-國臺交七十年
Although Mahler began to work on his second symphony just before the first one was finished, it still took him seven years to complete it due to his job as a conductor at the opera house. Mahler was inspired by the sacred hymn “Resurrection” by German poet Klopstock which he heard on the funeral of good friend and great conductor of the 19th century Hans von Bülow in March, 1894. The composer later incorporated the text into the fifth movement. The value of life shown via resurrection and Mahler’s personal view of the universe is presented through the comparison between the grand and layered fifth movement and the funeral march in the first movement. When the words “Arise, yes, you will arise from the dead,/My heart, in an instant!/What you have conquered/Will bear you to God.” are sung, the simultaneous feeling of shock and fullness is sure to impress the audience present.
女中音/夏洛特‧艾勒康特Mezzo-soprano: Charlotte Hellekant 女高音/林慈音Soprano: Grace Lin 台北愛樂合唱團Taipei Philharmonic Chorus 台中室內合唱團Taichung Chamber Choir 府城教師合唱團Tainan Teacher's Chorus MP混聲合唱團MP Singers Chamber Choir 馬勒:第二號交響曲《復活》 G. Mahler: Symphony No.2 in c minor "Resurrection"