About Us

About Us

The Audio and Video Center website of Ministry of Culture, which was officially established in 2015, has organized audio and video files of the collection of institutions affiliated to Taiwan's Ministry of Culture including cultural heritage and creativity institutions, museums, art development and culture-related institutions. It is the only official integrative open platform for cultural and art audio and video files.

It is quite convenient to use Ministry of Culture's Audio and Video Center website to browse audio and video files. The website has cross-platform and cross-device browsing functions, and browsing is not limited to mobile phones, tablets or computers. Additionally, without visiting numerous collection institutions, you are able to appreciate eclectic and rich domestic cultural and art-related audio and video files of other institutions on this website. The audio and video data on the website include “films” and “sound,” integrating dramas, serial seminar, music, documentaries and various rich resources and collecting precious data of affiliation of Ministry of Culture. More data will be added in the future. It is hoped that people can use the website more often to have deep understanding of rich cultural deposits indigenous to Taiwan.

Applying for and using audio and video files:Please contact institutions uploading audio and video files directly if you want to apply for and use audio and video files on the website.
